Nutritionist | Natural Chef | Health Coach Ayurvedic Practitioner | Herbalist | Yogi
Functional Medicine Practitioner
The Ultimate MOT Consultation
Ultimate MOT Consultation
The Ultimate MOT Consultation involves
testing your vitamins, minerals, amino acids,
hormones, neurotransmitters, toxins, metabolism,
your digestion ability: your protein, carbohydrates and fat absorption and
your body’s overall imbalances
Vitamin and Mineral deficiencies harms at least 1/3 of the world’s population and
one of the best ways is to undertake an in-depth health check
by measuring these levels, to find the imbalances and the underlying causes
Almost 80% of women suffer some kind of hormone imbalance and
1 in 4 men over 30 have low testosterone
Unfortunately, your GP will only test a small fraction of these nutrients and
also conventional medicine will only measure the ‘bound’ blood hormones
whilst the ‘unbound’ hormones within saliva/urine
gives more of an accurate measurement
What’s included:
1 x Health Questionnaire to fill in prior to the first consultation
(the more information you give in the Questionnaire; the more advice can be given to you)
1 x Consultation with a Prescription that includes the following:
Diet Plan tailored to you with advice on
what to change and what to introduce and the reasons why
Lifestyle Plan tailored to you with advice on
changes to your lifestyle and links to digital downloads to help these changes
Health Plan Tailored to you with advice on
how to treat your symptoms or concerns or conditions
Advice on supplement brands,
what to look for in a brand and what supplements to take tailored to you
Advice on your GPs prescribed drugs tailored to you
Advice on diagnostic tests
that can help to uncover the cause of a concern or condition
Relevant Diagnostic tests: Vitamins, Minerals, Amino acids, Hormones,
Neurotransmitters, Toxins, Metabolism, and
Digestion ability: your protein, carbohydrates and fat absorption
1 x Consultation with a Treatment Plan that includes the following:
Discussion of what has worked, not worked
from the Prescription advice and what is left to still resolve
Results of your Test
Additional advice on diet, lifestyle, health,
supplements, drugs according to your test results
Additional advice on diagnostic tests
according to your test results
Treatment Plan for the way forward that is tailored to you
This consultation can be provided online or face-to-face depending on location